Vintage 2024 at Chambers Rosewood Vineyards

Above: 2024 Hand Picked Chambers Rosewood Vineyards Muscat Grapes

The long 2024 Vintage has come to an end after 13 weeks of hand picking. Between Chambers Rosewood Vineyards and Lake Moodemere Estate, we picked and crushed a total of 253 tonnes; more than doubling last years vintage. One third of all grapes we picked was Muscat! We would like to thank our team of workers from all over the world who assisted us in both picking and winemaking.

Above: All the way from France, Kevin with his happy and fun attitude has been a great asset to Chambers.

The entire vintage at Chambers Rosewood was hand picked this year. This combined with the great weather makes the 2024 Vintage one to look out for.

Just because the picking is complete, doesn’t mean that Stephen Chambers will magically appear back in cellar door. The crew are busy racking red wines, making room for muscat, bottling last years vintages, making room for this years, blending and moving wines around.

We have had to purchase more 2800ltr casks to house the amount of Muscat we crushed this season!

A huge thanks and gratitude to our hand pickers from all over the world this year (and some locals), Aislin, Henrique, Justine, Kaio, Kevin, Leonie, Mathilde, Mal, Neil, Alex, Guilliaume, Juliette, Manon, Nicolas, Clement, Chloe, Ambre and Valentin for their tireless work and long hours in the heat.

Also a big shout out to our full time team Wayne (Acka), Tets, Tilly, Claire and Lucy for being our constants in and out of the vineyard. Without you, vintage would not be possible.

A special thanks to Cristina for all of her hard work whilst assisting with the winemaking this year. Read below about Cristina’s experience.

Above: Cristina Madruga, our Texan 2024 Vintage Assistant Winemaker has been an amazing asset year.

Cristina came to us all the way from Texas! She is from a winemaking family with vineyards in the Portuguese Azores and began making wine in Washington last year.

“Working at Chambers has been a truly incredible experience! I learned so much from Stephen and am definitely leaving a better winemaker than I was when I arrived. I loved that I was able to really immerse myself in every aspect of what was happening in the winery. Tasting the wines every day and watching the fermentations evolve was my favourite part of the process. We did a whopping 117 ferments this vintage - one of which was so happy it bubbled right over the top of the tank! Learning about fortified wines, especially Muscat, at a winery that is world-renowned for them was a special treat in and of itself. I am very thankful to the Chambers team for having me this vintage.”

- Cristina Madruga

Happy Ferment


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