1 Wine Dude from the U.S. Talks Victorian Wine

Great article to check out from Joe Roberts who has some great things to say about our amazing Victorian Wines.

Give him a follow on Instagram 1winedude

NV Chambers Rosewood Vineyards Muscadelle ‘Tokay’, Rutherglen

“I’m a longtime fan of this sub-region’s “stickies,” and this producer in particular. There’s a a LOT to dive into about Rutherglen and its Maderized delights, which you can read about here. As for this one in particular, it’s a stellar bargain. Caramel, dried orange peel, dried orange blossom petals, green tea, sultanas, honey, and a distinctly malty character, this is a great example of Chamber’s style and the Muscadelle style in general. The palate is luscious, powerful, and full of spiced/spiked fruitcake, jasmine notes, and candied orange. Delightful, and incredibly well-priced for the quality.

Cheers! “ 1 Wine Dude - Joe Roberts


Dark Side of Wine Wrap Up


Roam Rutherglen Wrap Up 2024