Dark Side of Wine Wrap Up

What an amazing night we had for our “Behind the Winery Curtains” event

Images courtesy of Ryan Cramer Photography, Tilly Pinn, Venetta Pinn and Winemakers of Rutherglen

Wow! Thanks so much to our wonderful guests for sharing such a special evening with us. We had a perfect still night with two fires crackling away outside.
Mulled Wine and Sparkling Durif paired with Pulled Pork & Prune buns started the evening off, accompanied by chilled acoustic music with Tilly & Miller (2 parts of local band Lucey. Tilly works here at Chambers as well and is studying Viticulture)
Michael Chambers and Venetta guided our guests through cellar door with an in-depth historic talk.
We entered through the secret door where the tastebuds were overloaded with excitement for the next hour or so. Tastings direct from the casks, starting with a single vintage 2022 right through to 1930’s solera bases & blends.
Stephen unfortunately fell ill that day so Michael & Venetta stepped up to the plate.
More amazing canapés! Braised chicken & Pork Pops, Arancini with Muscadelle Reduction and Meatballs in Durif Sugo. All this whilst being lead through a rage of Durif and Fortified Lake Moodemere Estate & Chambers Rosewood Vineyards wines. The ancient cask room was decorated beautifully with antique Chambers family furniture, kero lanterns, historic photos and dim candlelight.
Muscat Mousse Tartlets, Mt Carmel Affogato, Muscat & Mt Carmel was enjoyed by the fire under the starlit evening.
What more could you ask for?! Great company, great food and great wine :)

Michael Chambers & Venetta Pinn. Guided tastings of Durif, Muscat & Muscadelle. Lake Moodemere Estate & Chambers Rosewood Vineyards
Image: Ryan Cremer Photography

So much appreciation to Ryan for travelling out during set up and for the evening event to capture some amazing images for us.

Beautiful Feedback :)

“We both had a wonderful time on Thursday night and wanted to thank you all again for what will be a lifetime memory for us both. Everything was so special, the welcome, the presentation of the rooms, the food and the music. 

Our special thanks to Mick (Michael Chambers), his knowledge was so very valuable and to you (Venetta) for the outstanding organisation. 

Best wishes Leigh and Barb”


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